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korinna Brockman
Dec 28, 20227 min read
The Energetic New Year
Energetically speaking, New Years is not the best time to create "resolutions". If you have your sights set on having an epic 2023, it...
korinna Brockman
Aug 10, 202210 min read
The Lines of the Profile
Curious to understand your Profile? Understanding the Lines is the first step!
korinna Brockman
May 16, 20225 min read
I'm Moving...
So, I'm moving... potentially half way across the world. Today I am sharing how the Internal Pull of the Sacral is guiding me
korinna Brockman
Mar 10, 20224 min read
The Big Five: I'Ching
Human Design brings in principles from 5 systems: the Chinese I'Ching, the Jewish Kabbalah Tree of Life, the Hindhu-Brahmin Chakras,...
korinna Brockman
Mar 1, 20224 min read
Why is Strategy and Authority so important?
Strategy and authority, strategy and authority. These words are hammered in all the time in Human Design, but why are they so important?...
korinna Brockman
Feb 23, 20223 min read
It all starts here...
We are all broken down into five energy types. Within each of us, we have 9 centres, 36 channels, 64 gates which are either undefined, or...
korinna Brockman
Feb 19, 20222 min read
Hi, My Name is...
Hi! My name is Korinna, and I would love to take this post to share a bit about myself. I am a Sacral Generator, 3/5 profile, RAX Vessel...
korinna Brockman
Feb 15, 20223 min read
What exactly is Human Design?
So you probably have heard the term "Human Design" but what exactly is it? Where did it come from?
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